Fareeha Ahmed
Fareeha successfully completed the APS MCC at VA Airline Training and is now flying the Boeing 737 with Ryanair
Fareeha after flying a Boeing 737 for the first time
What inspired you to pursue a career as a commercial pilot?
My love for aviation started many years ago on one particular holiday when I was lucky enough to travel on an Emirates A380. I remember being a little child standing by the window next to the gate and wondering how on Earth that big thing was going to take off and effortlessly fly around in the sky. Since then, I still continue to be fascinated by the world of aviation and the continuous technological advancements that come with it! I knew that one day I would absolutely love to be behind the controls of a jet and take to the skies!
Which training route did you choose to follow, and why?
I started my aviation journey through the modular route, joining Buckinghamshire New University where I studied BSc (Hons) Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training. While a degree is not necessary to be a pilot, I found that the course provided me with invaluable insight into the aviation industry and developed me both professionally and academically. After completing my ATPL theory and the BSc degree, I joined Bartolini Air in Poland as a Ryanair Mentored Cadet to complete my advanced training. Once that was done, I returned back to the UK to join VA and completed the final stage of my training.
What challenges did you face before or during training?
I had the pleasure of trying to complete my training during Brexit AND Covid! Brexit had caused disruptions in my plans to complete the remainder of my training in the UK as I wished to obtain an EASA licence. Luckily I was able to find Bartolini Air - who actually suited me more and were significantly cheaper than the school I had planned to go to!
However, the biggest challenge I faced was trying to re-route all of my plans during the pandemic. I made the difficult decision to postpone my training, as all pilot recruitment had come to a halt, with very little prospect of the aviation industry recovering quickly as flights continued to be banned across the world. As I didn’t want to waste my ‘time off’ doing nothing, I decided to pursue a Master’s degree in International Aviation Law and Regulation, which really deepened my understanding of the aviation industry. Once that was over, I was ready to get back on track with my training and the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel began to shine as the aviation industry began to pick up.
What were the highlights of your time in training?
The best part about my training was definitely the amazing people I met along the way! I have made lifelong friends from every single school I had been to start from my PPL all the way to the APS MCC at VA. It has been such a nice experience to meet people who have the same goals as you, and be able to work together to achieve them all! I have also met some of the most amazing instructors along the way, with all of them pushing me out of my comfort zone and getting me to achieve the best. Whilst training was definitely not easy at times, it has been the best experience of my life and I will never forget it!
How did the competencies you developed during your APS MCC help you afterwards?
The best part about VA is that the APS MCC course is built around the core competencies required from pilots for any airline. By already being aware of and having these key competencies established during my training, my life was made significantly easier during the recruitment process as they were the exact same competencies that the recruiters were looking for! This gave me the confidence I needed to go through the airline assessments process, and come out feeling positive!
What have been the highlights since you started airline flying?
So far, there have been two significantly memorable moments during my training that I will remember every detail of for the rest of my life! The first was my first solo during PPL training - the feeling of flying a plane (albeit small!) all by myself, with no instructor next to me, filled me with absolute ecstasy knowing that I was capable to do it! The second was more recently; base training where I flew the 737 for the first time at East Midlands Airport. Seeing the sheer size of the aircraft and knowing its power filled me with immense pride, knowing just how much I had achieved to get to that moment - a day no cadet will ever forget!
What advice would you give to someone about to start APS MCC training?
The APS MCC is arguably one of the most important aspects of training in regard to getting that first pilot job. I think it is really important to choose a school that will allow you to develop your skills to the maximum and get you airline ready - precisely the reason why I chose VA. It is an intensive and challenging course which does require a lot of dedication and commitment, but it will always be my favourite course during my training because of how much I enjoyed it!