Benan Gokcimen
Benan successfully completed the AirlineReady® APS MCC at VA Airline Training and is now flying the Embraer E190 with British Airways Cityflyer, based at London City Airport
Benan is now flying Embraer E190 jets with BA Cityflyer
What inspired you to pursue a career as a commercial pilot?
During my final year of college, I was still slightly confused as to what career paths were available to me. Studying the variety of options out there aviation stuck out. A career travelling the world with the best office view beat any other option and, from that point, it was all I was focused on. My Dad used to have a dream of being a pilot and when I told him what my plans were, he and my Mum were fully behind me and helped push me all the way!
What did you do before starting pilot training?
I was cabin crew for Virgin Atlantic and a university student prior. I really think it’s important for those on the flight deck to have a solid understanding of what happens in the cabin. That allows you to build a better relationship with your crew and will be super helpful when it comes to days when you really have to work together to get a positive solution.
Which training route did you choose to follow, and why?
I went for the modular route as having the funds available from day one wasn’t an option for me. I studied at university where I gained a degree and my PPL. I then left university and did my ATPLs where I then joined Virgin and completed my CPL at the same time to help fund some of the lessons.
What challenges did you face before or during training?
I faced huge medical setbacks during my training; unfortunately losing my medical twice during training. It felt at times that I would never make it to the flight deck, but my family and friends helped keep me on the right track. I completed all the tests the CAA required of me. I was keeping in the industry and keeping focused. Luckily everything worked out in the end for me - but that motivation for the end needs to be kept up to push you towards your final goal.
What were the highlights of your time in training?
I spent one summer in Miami, hour-building with two of my best friends. The views flying over the Florida coast of the turquoise waters on the way to Key West, and flying at 500 feet over South Beach will forever stick in my mind - something no other career would ever allow you to achieve.
How did the competencies you developed during your APS MCC help you afterwards?
The competencies you learn during the APS MCC course flow right into what will be expected during your type rating. Every session you review them just as you do during your APS MCC. The course sets you up perfectly for what airlines expect of you and helps the transition to line flying a lot smoother than I expected it would be.
Benan in the Boeing 737 simulator at VA Airline Training during his APS MCC
What have been the highlights since you started airline flying?
I would say the most memorable would be my first time flying the Embraer with passengers for the first time. My parents managed to get tickets for the flight out which was a night stop in Edinburgh. They then joined me on the flight back. A moment I’m so lucky to have shared with them. It still feels surreal every day I go to work. I’m not sure yet when it will finally sink in.
What advice would you give to someone about to start APS MCC training?
Take all the advice the instructors give you. On the days you struggle, remember that these are the days you learn the most. Ask for feedback and keep pushing. Your sim partner will also be going through the same as you. Communication is always key in the flight deck so don’t struggle in silence. Keep pushing and you can do it!